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Our Learning Approach

ICS schools offer an innovative teaching approach based on Experiential Learning.

This learning approach prepares each student to solve problems that have not yet been imagined and to work in jobs that have not yet been invented.

STEAM Education

At ICS Milan, one of our key pillars of learning is focused on STEAM education – an integrated approach to learning which engages all students around the subject areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Maths.

Our STEAM approach aims to spark an interest and lifelong love of the arts and sciences in children from an early age. Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Maths all involve creative processes and routes to inquiry and investigation.

Design Labs

As a school of innovation, with a culture and history of Design Approach, we also offer our students different Design Labs during the year, as part of our STEAM agenda.

Child holding his project during design lab


Classroom teachers collaborate with professional designers to develop hands on, minds on design labs which stimulate the curiosity and inventiveness of the children. Design Labs are aligned with topics of inquiry from the classroom curriculum and provide the children with the opportunity to become critical and creative thinkers by proposing and realising projects related to the themes explored in class.

During the school year students participate in a series of five different Design Lab Units. Together the teachers and designers plan a series of explorations, inquiry and hands-on activities which aim to develop collaboration, problem solving and innovative thinking skills. Children are encouraged to make connections with their prior knowledge during the design labs and to deepen their understanding throughout the unit.


To support and enrich our delivery of Experiential Learning, we have partnered with two leading companies in the field of STEAM and Arts International.

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