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Musica per tutti

"Musica per tutti" is a music education course developed by the Yamaha Music Foundation.
With the Yamaha method, children learn music in a fun way, with a practical and innovative approach that will enable them to play the keyboard from the very first lesson. 

The aim is to develop a forma mentis able to play freely with notes and then connect them with each other. In this way, aspects of musical training can be transformed, renewed and applied in all forms of personal and creative expression.

  • To foster a love of music in children.
  • To develop the ear and general musical skills.
  • Cultivate the ability to express oneself.
  • Learning to read music 
  • Learning to play in ensembles
  • Learning to sing and accompany with chords
  • Learning creativity, theory, singing reading.
  • In this natural, practical and immediate learning process, the child first listens, then imitates through singing and then transfers what he/she has already learned through the ear and voice onto the keyboard.
  • This is combined with theoretical understanding, reading, writing and elements of creativity.


A music workshop will be set up complete with:

  • Yamaha musical keyboards for each pupil 
  • A professional Yamaha keyboard for the teacher
  • Teaching materials available for the workshop

With the Yamaha method, children learn music in a fun way, with a practical and innovative approach that will enable them to play the keyboard from the very first lesson. 

In addition, after three years of the course, pupils will have the opportunity to take a grade examination and obtain international certification.

The course will be taught by a specialist teacher specially trained in conducting courses in schools.

Course is offered by Scuola di Musica MC.